CutMeShort introduces the Social Previews feature, empowering users to preview how their URLs will appear on different social media platforms before sharing them. By fetching and displaying meta tags from the destination URL during link creation, users can visualize and customize the previews for platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.


Social Previews enhance user experience by providing a glimpse of how the shortened URLs will be presented on various social media platforms. By displaying preview images, titles, descriptions, and other metadata extracted from the destination URL, users can ensure that their shared content looks appealing and engaging across different platforms.

How it Works

  1. Meta Tag Fetching: During link creation, CutMeShort automatically fetches meta tags from the destination URL, including Open Graph tags and Twitter Card tags.

  2. Preview Display: The fetched meta tags are used to generate previews for different social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Users can view how their shortened URLs will appear on these platforms in real-time.


  • Visual Representation: Social Previews provide users with a visual representation of how their shared content will be displayed on social media platforms, helping them make informed decisions about sharing strategies.

  • Enhanced Engagement: Appealing and well-optimized previews increase the likelihood of user engagement, clicks, and shares, ultimately driving traffic to the shared content.

  • Brand Consistency: By customizing the preview elements such as titles and images, users can ensure brand consistency and reinforce their brand identity across different platforms.

  • Improved Click-Through Rates: Optimized previews with compelling titles and descriptions attract more clicks and encourage users to explore the shared content further.

CutMeShort automatically fetches meta tags from the destination URL during link creation and generates previews for different social media platforms based on the extracted metadata. Users can review and customize the previews before finalizing the shortened URL, ensuring that the shared content looks appealing and engaging across various social media channels.


Experience the power of Social Previews with CutMeShort, enabling users to visualize and customize how their URLs will appear on different social media platforms. Enhance engagement, increase click-through rates, and maintain brand consistency by leveraging the Social Previews feature to optimize your shared content for social media sharing.`

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